Our Executive Team

Get to know our team

Welcome to the Millersville University Marauder Marching Band Alumni Association! We are a group of passionate individuals who share a love for music and a strong connection to our alma mater, Millersville University. Our team specializes in keeping the legacy of the Marauder Marching Band alive. Through our alumni engagement efforts, we strive to maintain a strong sense of camaraderie and support among our members.

Joe Cernuto, Director of Bands at Millersville University, leads the Marching Marauders, conducts ensembles, and teaches music education. A former school and current university band director, he is a sought-after adjudicator, clinician, and arranger, with global expertise in conducting and repertoire. Dedicated to alumni engagement, Dr. Cernuto will lead the Millersville University Marauder Marching Band Alumni Association (MUMB-AA) to strengthen connections and celebrate the band's legacy.

Dr. Joseph Cernuto


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Vice President

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Event Committee Chairmen

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Fundraising Committee Chairmen

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Outreach Committee Chairmen

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Artifact Committee Chairmen

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